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Updated: Aug 5, 2019

In the video link below, you're going to see some disturbing things done to chickens. The animal cruelties committed will leave you jaw drop shocked.These acts of cruelty are being committed on chicken farms all over the United States and all over the world; not just in Australia. The Australian's were just publicized after they were caught and now they are being used as an example.

As long as we continue to buy our eggs out of the grocery stores. Is it fair to say that we are part of the problem and support animal cruelty? No matter if we go to the Whole Foods grocery store that is owned by Amazon or to Walmart. It's all profit based with these stores, they don't care about animal cruelty. The chicken farms will never change as long as the stores continue to support them; and the consumer continues to support the stores. What the chicken farmers fail to disclose to the public is, even if the chickens are on organic raised open range farms or not, the chickens are still caged living on top of each other eating fellow chicken dung. Please write your leaders, petition to have more strict regulations laws written and passed on how our food is being raised and prepared; then distributed.

Have you heard the saying, "You are what you eat"?

Another thing, all of the people starving in the world, and you chicken farmers are just brutally killing millions of delicious food and then just getting rid of them. That alone should be a crime, seriously. I can name off at least a thousand people that will take all of the chickens off of your hands after the twelve months of egg production, no matter how they were raised. The store bought chickens that aren't used for egg production, are raised in similar environments as like the chickens that are used for egg production. Boom! Chicken farmers, treat your animals right and stop being so damn wasteful.


P.S. I wouldn't be shocked to find out that, the people who sell us this tarnished food, don't eat the food that they sell.

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